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The RSS / National Energy Research Centre, in collaboration with ENI CBC MED and the Ministry of Education, implement the SOLE project

The Royal Scientific Society / National Energy Research Centre, in collaboration with ENI CBC MED and the Ministry of Education, are implementing the SOLE project which aims to create joint strategies to support cost-effective and innovative energy-saving interventions in the public building sector in order to enhance the capacity of public institutions in Mediterranean countries to plan and implement sustainable energy policies. A pilot project will be implemented in ISKAN AL FAIHA’ school, Madaba. The project focuses on increasing the use of efficient and renewable energy-based heating and cooling systems.


Project Summary

SOLE project aims to create joint strategies to support cost-effective and innovative energy-saving interventions in the public building sector in order to enhance the capacity of public institutions in Mediterranean countries to plan and implement sustainable energy policies. The project is built on strengthening shared knowledge about energy rehabilitation. SOLE will test innovative techniques and energy measures in 7 public buildings to improve energy performance, as well as implement capacity-building and awareness campaigns to promote behavioral change, and capitalize on these results at the Mediterranean level.


Project in Numbers:

project duration: 30 Months

project budget: 3.6 M€

3.2 M€ financed by the EU/ Under the ENI CBC MED Programme


Project Impact:

Increased proportion of renewable sources in the energy mix.

Reduced electricity consumption and reduced emissions from public buildings.

Economic savings for public authorities thanks to reduced energy consumption costs.

Impact in terms of job creation, both in the building / construction sector and as energy managers of public buildings.

Recommended Energy Efficiency Measures and Renewable Energy Systems are as following:

Replacing Lighting Units

Domestic hot water System

Thermal insulation external walls and roofs, double glaze windows with PVC frame

Heating and cooling systems (AC split units)

PV System (90 kWp)

Control and monitoring system